Tuesday, September 14, 2010

$5 Nancy Famosa


I got lucky and found a $5 Nancy doll at Goodwill!  This is my second Nancy from Goodwill.  I'm really lucky that Americans don't know about or like Nancy, because I bought both Nancys for under $10.  When I got her, the spring inside her body was stretched VERY badly and the poor girl was flopping all over the place.

See how she just flops over?  Well, I immediately went to Lowe's and bought a new spring.  But the new spring was too tight and her head kept popping off!  There was a little wire inside the body which held the head on tight.  I cut apart a metal clothes hanger and wrapped it around the piece that goes into her head to serve as an anchor...and ta da!

Here she is, able to stand up and hold her head up high!

Here is a close-up of her pretty face.  I think she needs some lip paint touch up.  She has a little cupid's bow rub.

She came in this awful blue dress.  I detest it.  I'm working on my sewing skills, so I will try to make her a new, cuter outfit soon.

I'm not sure about what Nancy she is, or what year, or anything like that, because I'm new to Nancy dolls, but I do know she is just adorable :)

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  1. This doll is highly prized in Spain.
    It's the 70's.
    Redhead hair in layers.
    Thick ankle.
    Articulated waist
    You found a treasure:)

  2. You got lucky with this one huh! Well done baby!

  3. Es Nancy de famosa, de España, es preciosa

  4. OMG!!!! congratulations!!! how come I can never find those girls in Mexico, and I have seen a guy who has like 5 or 6!! All of them found at goodwill or flea markets (I'll have to visit them more often!!! hehe)

    She's beautiful, but hopefully you'll get her a new dress soon. I don't really like that one!!!

  5. Hi Allison:

    You´ve been very lucky ´cause as told you Maria this Nancy in Spain is very apreciated.

    Would you be interested in changing her for an Dewees Cochran doll for Effanbee: the American Child...Here you can see a photo:


    The Stamp doll or Margaret...I known they´re very apreciated also in USA...

    You can answer me to this direction:

    chiqui1975@terra.es or in mi blog...


  6. Very pretty wrist! If sometimes you think to sell it I estaria enchanted to negotiate with you, famosilla34@hotmail.com

  7. Gracias mabelys pero quiero mantenerla conmigo :)

  8. es una joya, me alegro que la tengas..


  9. Es una preciosa Nancy española, me alegro que la tengas.

  10. Hola, si esta usted interesada en venderla, por favor contacte conmigo. Gracias. Ricolina222@hotmail.com

  11. Hi Allison ! If you still have this doll and want to sell it , I'd like to buy it . I'm in Los Angeles ( California ) let me know if you are interest ! This is my email just in case !
    Have a good day ! Best , Eddy
