Friday, April 1, 2011

Farmhouse Bed for the Nancy Girls

Ever since I saw this, I knew I had to build one.  It was only a matter of time until I convinced my brother to cut the wood for me.  I feel okay doing everything except using that table saw. 
My brother, ready to be helpful.  I'm sorry ladies, he's taken.

Considering this was the first wooden thing I've ever built in my entire life, I was pretty darn proud of myself.  It didn't take too long.
A proud moment as the headboard was almost completed.

We finished putting the whole thing together and I brought it home. 
The naked bed.

Then, I made a mattress and pillow for the bed.  I luckily had some old ticking material from my Great-Grandmother's sewing materials that was perfect sized for a mattress.
Mattress and Pillow

Next, I added the super cute little quilt I bought in Costa Rica.  I didn't know how I would use it when I bought it, but I'm sure glad I had the foresight to do it.  I love this precious frog!

And finally, the girls get to try the bed out.  It turned out much larger than I anticipated.  Even though I read all the measurements and am a math teacher, etc.  The cool thing is, there is plenty of room for all 3 girls!  When are you going to get us some pajamas?

Night Night!

The bed was super easy and really quick to make.  The materials were also very cheap.  I highly recommend it.  I'm going to paint this one white at some point, but I was just so excited I had to share it immediately.  I hope you enjoyed!


  1. I love it! It's so cute, and I'm sure the girls are so comfy. But didn't you build a puzzle table once... that was wood, right? Or did you not build it?

  2. Nah my grandpa built that thing. I wish I was that talented!

  3. wow!! Your brother did a great job!!
    I love this bed!!! Your Nancy dolls are going to be so happy!!!

  4. Great job!!!
    It's cute
    Your Nancy will be very happy :)

  5. It´s a lovely bed and I like its original color very much!
    I love the quilt for I have to confess that I really dislike any frog, but this one is very nice!
    Your Famosa girls will sleep very well there! Night, night!

  6. Preciosa y muy original! Tu hermano ha sido muy bueno y la cama es perfecta para las nancys!
