Monday, March 28, 2011

The Lounge

After several weeks of being spoiled by warm, southern weekends, this weekend was a total drag.  It was cold, and VERY rainy all weekend.  The Famosa Girls spent a lot of time in their new lounge, just chatting and doing girl things!
The girls, enjoying their new lounge area.

Lately, the topic has been when their new sister to arrive.  Then, much to their surprise, Francie received a phone call from her!

Their new sister (who is yet to be named) called to say that she would be leaving Spain on April 15th to come to her new home in South Carolina!  She also told the girls that she would be bringing a friend with her to the States.  Now the girls REALLY had something to talk about.  They were so excited, they giggled and played games all afternoon.  As it started to get dark, the girls decided they wanted to try on all their new outfits that their mom had bought them earlier that day. 

Spring dress on the left, formal dress in the middle, and swimsuit at the end.

The lounge has a pink beanbag chair on the far left, a striped chair, a table with lamp, phone, and clock, a purple beanbag chair, and an orange beanbag chair.  All the furniture was bought at Walmart. 

All of the outfits the girls are featured in are BFC Ink outfits.  And I have good news!  There were extra outfits, so I grabbed them.  If anyone is interested, I would like to trade or sell the outfits.  I would like to trade for other Nancy outfits or things, or, if I am selling, they would be $20 to the US which includes shipping, or $30 Internationally, which includes shipping. Take a look at the flip book and you will see all the featured outfits that I have available!


  1. I LOVE the lounge! The furniture is SOOOOO cute! Where is the lounge located?

  2. Dear Allison,
    I just love your entries! For they are always so well done, and I can admire the lovely things (nice furniture and beautiful garments that your pretty girls have) you buy for your girls!
    It seems they had a very nice weekend at home and with lots and lots of things to talkabout and to think over! A new one is coming to join them? And with someone else too? Great! I can´t wait!
    I´ve not forgotten about our plans... just let me finish some swaps already in progress and in a couple of months I mail you.
    Lots of kisses from an also cold, but luckily sunny Holland.

  3. Thanks Lindsay! It's in the window, like Afner said. I'll have to move it soon to a permanent location.

    Thanks for the kind words! I was lucky with the furniture, my mom saw the little table and lamp and striped chair, and she bought them for me. And thank you VERY much for the tip about El Corte Ingles. I ordered La Primera, Communion, and I couldn't resist Nancy Geisha. Another collector here wanted Nancys also, so we were able to order all the Nancys and for only 40 Euro shipping fee from El Corte Ingles. I cannot wait for them to arrive!!

    Besos de Estados Unidos :-*

  4. Allison! your collection is becoming bigger!! With the new friends on the way....
    Lovely furniture and story!
    kisses from Spain!
