In the last year, I have become a mega-fan of Atelier Momoni’s (AKA:Lola) dolls. My love started when I fell hard for Momoni, a 40 cm ball jointed doll with a curvy body and sweet smile that I could not resist. I took part in the Summer 2017 pre-order, and welcomed my Petal and Cocoa Momonis home that fall. Since then, I decided I wanted to become a completeist for her dolls, so I had to do a little research to find out what all was out there. This series of posts aims to give the background for all of her past editions.
Atelier Momoni’s very first doll was called Nena 01, and she began sculpting her in January of 2013.
My Nena 01, in white resin, wearing a Pitusa sized dress from Atelier Momoni.
Her face may remind you a bit of an Unoa, and that is because Lola was inspired by her own Unoa, which at the time, she said was her favorite doll ever. Nena 01, however, is a totally different scale than Unoa, standing at 28.5 cm tall, wearing a 5-6 wig, and with 4.5 cm feet.
Nena 01 was casted by Dollshe at the same time as Melo*, and the first pre-order was offered for both dolls on May 3, 2013. For the pre-order, from the research I have found, I believe she was only offered in Fresh Skin. I have been unable to find the original prices for these dolls, but I believe they were each less than $300 during the first pre-order. If you know the prices, please feel free to contact me as I would love to add them to this post.
For LDoll 2013, Nena 01 was available in tan, white, and fresh skin.
Here is Lola’s photo of all three resin colors:

And her photo of her table from the event:

Nena 01 doesn’t come up often for sale, and this makes sense because she was the first offering from a new BJD creator. Atelier Momoni, however, had a large following already due to amazing fashion line for BJDs and Blythes, which I feel sure helped her initial launch go well.
As far as Nena 01’s joints go, they are not as sophisticated as Momoni’s, but this is to be expected as this is her first creation. She is a charming little doll, and can wear Barbie clothes and some YOSD clothing. If you are hunting for your own Nena 01, I recommend putting out “Want To Buy” ads in some of the Facebook groups to track one down. To give you an idea of price, I paid less than $300 for mine.
My girl, with a different wig.
To see her in motion, you can check out these Box Opening and Face Up Reveal videos on my YouTube channel:
Box Opening:
Face Up Reveal:
She’s a sweet little doll that I’m so happy to have in my collection. Not only does she have so much character and charm, but it’s interesting to see the development of sculpting between the versions of Atelier Momoni’s dolls. If you have any questions or corrections to this post, please leave me a comment below and let me know!