Tuesday, July 26, 2016

International Doll & Teddy Show 2016

I have been attending this show since it began back in 2014...then it was just called International Doll Show, or IDS for short. I make it sound like it's been soooo long, but this was my 3rd trip to the show, and I wanted to do a review of it. I have never attended MDCC, BJDC, or UFDC, so I can't really compare IDS to any of those shows, but I hope to give you a good idea of what it's like, in case you plan on attending. I'm going to just pepper this post with pics from the show for your enjoyment.

Hannah, by My Meadow. Face up is by Charlene Smith and I believe the outfit is too.

IDS is held every year in Asheville, NC, at the Crown Plaza hotel. Because I am a native Carolinian, I have never actually stayed overnight for this event, but from folks I have talked to who have, they say the rooms are quite nice.

Connie Lowe dolls - my apologies I am not sure of their names.

IDS, or IDTS, has a mix of reborn dolls, ball jointed dolls, various different types of artist dolls, and teddy bears. It has grown considerably since the first year I attended, and the room is jam packed full of artists and their creations.

One of Val Zeitler's beauties

IDS doesn't have as many events as some of the other shows, but they do offer a few pre-show classes and seminars. The good thing about this though is how affordable it is to attend. It's only $10 to get into IDS! 
Some Liz Frost beauties with face ups by Charlene

I think the best thing about IDS is how up close and personal you can get with the artists. As I have said before, I haven't been to other shows so I really have no benchmark, but you can stop in and chat with the artists at their booths throughout the show. I was especially excited to chat with Berdine Creedy again, she's always so lovely to talk with. I also got to meet Nikki Britt, who is a fellow Potterhead and general fun-loving soul. 

Berdine's table. I had already bought my own Edi by this point. 

A couple of Nikki Britt cuties

This sweetie ended up coming home with me :)

The other thing I really like about IDS is the variety of dolls and artists that are there. I have been introduced to so many different types of dolls through this show. 
These dolls are from Larissa's Divine Creations. I plan on adding one to my collection in the near future.

I've also met a lot of people from my neck of the woods by attending. Sometimes it's hard for me to believe there are so many wonderful dolly people living so close to me!
Kardenchiki dolls, represented by a new local doll friend!

A doll by Rafael Nuri. Her work is second to none! If I ever win the lottery, I'll be adding one of her stunning creations to my collection.

And lastly, the precious little Avery that I really wanted to take home but just couldn't do it :(

If you have any questions about the show, please leave a comment and I will try to answer them. I took loads of pictures, so if you want to see more, you can check out my album on my Facebook page: here . Thanks for stopping by!

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