Friday, July 3, 2015

Little Darling Dress by Darling Lil' Bee

Today, I received a new Little Darling dress from Darling Lil' Bee. I just love this dress so much I wanted to do a post about it. 
Elsa, modeling her new dress 

What I really like about these outfits is that each one includes a pair of shoes. This makes my life so easy, as I am one of those who will just let my dolls go barefoot if I don't have matching shoes. The dress is great quality, and the back buttons up...yes buttons!

And it even has a all designer clothing should: 

I am really happy with this dress and highly recommend Darling Lil' Bee for all your Little Darking costuming needs. I just earned some eBay bucks, and I know where I'll be spending them!

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