Saturday, June 13, 2015

World Doll Day -- Giveaway!

The second Saturday of June each year is designated as World Doll Day. The day was established in 1986 by Mil and Vernon Seely. 

In the spirit of the day, I am hosting my first ever giveaway on my blog. The giveaway is open to anyone in any country. To enter, simply comment on this post with the name of your favorite doll. The prize for the winner is a mini Caroline doll from American Girl:

The contest ends next Saturday, June 20th, so be sure to enter before then! At that time I will use a random number generator to choose the winner. Good luck!


  1. My favorite doll is either Blythe or American Girl Molly!

  2. My favorite is Molly because she was my very first doll. I saved up for her as a little 6 year old. Anytime anyone offered to buy her for me I said no lol! I wanted to save for her myself. Even though she has tons of shine marks, loose limbs and dry hair. Far from perfect but is my favorite AG doll still to this day. She's special to me! 17 years later and I still collect AG dolls. :) Especially the historicals!

  3. My favorite doll was given to me by my grandmother. It had partially vinyl arms, partially vinyl legs, and head. The rest of the body was cloth. She had made me bunches of clothes for the doll. I was older when she gave it to me and don't recall naming it. I gave it to my daughter to play with and she named it Kevin and carried it everywhere. The Cabbage Patch dolls were interesting to me and I loved their funny names.

  4. My favorite is Emily or Molly. My daughter loves Grace Thomas!
    donnyandshelly at yahoo dot com

  5. I don't know if I have a favorite, I have enjoyed learning about each doll and their environment and living style and what makes them unique with my daughter. If I have to choose one it would be nikki because she was introduced the year my daughter was born and she raises animals. I am an animal lover...

  6. My favorite doll was the Chatty Cathy i had in the early 60s. Wish I had one now. My favorite AG is Marie Grace. I grew up on New Orleans and had to have her because of that, but i also like her because she has a unique face mold and so many of the others look too much alike.

  7. My favorite doll is Jem from when I was a kid. Even though her feet were different than Barbie. And I hated that they couldn't share shoes!

  8. My favorite doll is Felicity! I adore her either collection, as do my daughters. Thanks for the giveaway!

  9. I love AG doll Mia! I think her hair/eye color combo is gorgeous, and I love her freckles!! Thanks for this giveaway!! <3

  10. My favorite is Marisol. She is beautiful

  11. My favorite doll is Samantha. She was given to me by my Great Grandmother for Christmas after years of pouring over American Girl catalogs.

  12. My favorite is Cecile. She is BEAUTIFUL. :)

  13. Patricia Bee AGDollOnlineBSTJune 20, 2015 at 9:34 PM

    Nellie! Sweet storyline with her and Samantha.
