Thursday, June 11, 2015

An eBay Act of Kindness

You may or may not know (or infer from my blog), I do quite a bit of selling on eBay as a means of paying for my hobby of doll collecting. Not too long ago, I sold a Tiny Betsy McCall doll.
The Betsy I recently sold

As is the case with any sale, I ship the item and don't think too much about it unless there is a problem later. Today when I got home, there was a small package in my mailbox. I was perplexed, as I am expecting a package, but it should be much larger than this. On the outside of the box it said "I love my Betsy, a gift for you". I opened the box, and this is what I found inside:
A box with a note

The reverse of the note

There was an extremely touching note taped to a Marie Osmond box. The note says:
"(Enjoy) I'm soooo happy with my Betsy McCall! I waited 3 weeks just looking at the box. I opened an email at the library. When she arrived I went and deleted it. I don't own an I-phone, android, or computer. But might get an android soon. I held  her to my chest and cried. She looks like my Betsy from 1957 when I was 9. This is my last doll...I think. PS. I also got one with a checkered hat and coat with red hair. Love both dolls. PSS. Now I have everything. So happy."

Well reading this note made ME cry! I was ecstatic to read how happy this doll made her. I think that's why we all collect dolls - we connect with them on some emotional level and they bring us so much joy and happiness. And as if the note weren't enough, she had included a gift for me, a beautiful Christmas ornament!

An ornament!

The ornament, unwrapped

Close up of this sweet face on my new ornament

This kind gesture has touched me in such a way I will never forget it. I will hang this ornament on my tree each year and be reminded that kindness and generosity, even in small doses, can mean the world to folks.

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