Sunday, August 5, 2012

Test Post From Mobile Blogger

I'm testing the Blogger App, hopefully it goes well!
This summer I have been on a quest to acquire every American Girl of The Year Doll. My personal rule is that I will not pay more than $60 for any doll. I prefer to buy large lots and sell most of them so I end up with the doll for free. This has been fairly successful this summer, with the exception of Nicki. I got her with quite messy hair.

To fix her hair, I carefully brushed it out in sections, then twisted it into place.

Once all the sections were twisted up, I used my iron on the highest setting and steamed her hair...quite a bit. Never let the iron touch the hair though! After I was done, I took her hair down, and although it doesn't look like it did from the factory, I still think she looks awfully darn cute.

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