Sunday, February 26, 2012

Ellowyne Wilde's friend Prudence (A Review)

I have had in my mind for awhile now to buy an Ellowyne Wilde doll.  What I didn't realize is that I would fall in love with her friend Prudence, and she would be the first to come home with me.  She has the absolute sweetest face I have ever seen.  There are a lot of things I love about her, but there are a few things that disappoined me.
Tea, Ennui, and Me Prudence

I'll start with the disappointing stuff.  When I opened her box, the very first thing I noticed was that she had three shiny rubs on her forehead, and a brown spot on the side of her temple.  That bothered me, particularly because she is such an expensive doll ($140), I didn't expect her to arrive with rubs or stains of any kind.  If she were not a limited edition that was already sold out, I would probably exchange her because of the flaw.  The other thing about her that really bothered me was the length of the sleeves of her dress.  The sleeves are quite noticeably longer than her arms and come down over her hands and past fingers.  She looks like the dress is too big for her.  I was able to scrunch the sleeves up into her armpits so they look okay on her.  Those are the only negative things I could find about her, although I admit the rubs were pretty bad.

Her positive attributes outweigh her problems by a lot and let me just say that I LOVE her!  Her outfit is really cute and detailed, and I especially love the striped tights she is wearing.  The dress snaps in the back instead of velcro, which is a detail I appreciate.  Her high heels are sparkly and sexy!  I think they are the sexiest doll shoes I own!  Her face paint is soft and beautiful, and it really makes her face so expressive.  My husband keeps saying, "She looks like a real girl!"  I definitely will be buying more dolls from Wilde Imagination, with Ellowyne hopefully being next. 
Who couldn't love this face??

My husband indulged me today by taking lots of photos of Prudence for me, so I'm going to share some of my favorites.  We spent the afternoon at Copperhead Island, which is a free, public park on Lake Wylie.  It was a little chilly, but we both got to enjoy our hobbies.
Prudence by the lake

Can you see the baby geese in the background?

Spring is early this year!

I have a feeling that Ellowyne will be a resident of this house by the end of the week, so stay tuned for a review on her.