Sunday, October 23, 2011

Renaissance Nancy

This time of year in Charlotte, there is always a Renaissance Festival which is always a lot of fun.  I decided this year I would take Nancy along.  For the occasion, I asked my friend Diana to create a custom Renaissance dress for Nancy.  The result was stunning!  Please visit her Etsy Shop where she has several cute designs for Nancy, you won't be disappointed!

Nancy, who was serenaded by Shaxpeare (his name, not mine)

Nancy and I getting ready for the big joust

My friend Deni, showing Nancy some love

I didn't get to take as many fun pictures as I wanted to, because there was so much to do that day and so little time to do it in.  Everyone had a good time, and Nancy got to experience some Renaissance Merriment.


  1. Hi, Allison,
    She looks gorgeous! Congratulations to your friend, for she made a great dress and every pic is lovely!

  2. Wow, fantastic look! You are a lucky girl with a lovely friend!!!
    kisses from Spain!
