Sunday, July 10, 2011

Welcome Julie!

Here's a doll I never thought I would own:  Julie!
Isn't she pretty?

I never thought I would own Julie for a few reasons.  Number One, I didn't feel like buying any new dolls until I completed the collections for the American Girls I have.  Number Two, I'm running out of doll rooms for the dolls!  I broke down and bought her because she was such a good price.  $40 for her and her meet accessories!  She was advertised locally on craigslist for $60, and I emailed the lady and told her that I couldn't spend $60 on a doll right now, but if she didn't get a better offer, I'd give her $40.  I didn't really expect to get her, but I thought it was worth a shot.  Two days later, she called me, and accepted my offer. 

I met her at Ikea to pick her up, and when I did, the little girl said she was worried that Julie would be sitting on a shelf all the time, and her mom said, "Don't worry, I'm sure she'll have LOTS of friends where she's going!" HAHAHAHAHA!! I told her not to worry, she would be very well taken care of, and have lots of friends.

I should also note that my mom tried to steal Julie from me.  This is the only doll my mom has ever had an interest in, I think because my mom grew up in the 70's.  I will have to guard her carefully.

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