Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Josefina's New Goodies

While I was in Costa Rica, I thought I would pick up some cute stuff for Josefina.  Also, since coming back, I have acquired her desk, heirlooms (shawl, choker, and fan), bedside table, niña doll, and Christmas dress.

In this photo, you can see her new shawl draped over the end of her bed, her niña doll in her arm, her writing desk, her bedside table, and all her new handmade pottery from Costa Rica.  As you can see, she got A LOT of pottery.  La Suegra went a little crazy buying them for me, but of course, I don't mind :)  They are really cute, and very well made.  And she bought all of them for around $3.  Fantastic!

I also bought Josie Las Aventuras de Pinocho, so she would have something to read at night.  I bought this book in the big mall in San Jose.  I thought it was just perfect!  It even has little illustrations.  Next time I visit Costa Rica, I will definitely buy another book.  Unfortunately, none of the other American Girls speak Spanish.  I think I will have to let Josie teach them :)


  1. Ummmm, her little room is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE!!!!!!!! I LOVE the pottery and the book!! What is the thing that the pottery is sitting on?

  2. That's a little dresser I originally had in Addy's room. I got Addy's desk though, so there was no room for the dresser anymore. Josefina inheirited it. It's really a little jewelry box Afner found at the thrift store.

  3. Wow, all the little things look really cool! Congratz! :) I have a little surprise for the dolls too...for when I come back!

  4. Dear Allison,
    All Josie´s new treasures are great!
    I just love her writing table, where did you find it? It´s so cute!
    And the Costa Rican pottery is lovely! Even if it lots and lots of them!
    It´s nice having such a nice mother-in-law, isn´t it?
    You had a great idea, let Josie to teach them Spanish, so they can talk to your new Juanita and to Anita too for they are also Spanish native speakers!
    A big hugh from The Netherlands.

  5. Hi Julieta!
    The writing table was made by American Girl for Josefina, but it is no longer made. Since I can't sew very well, maybe if you want to trade in November for several outfits I may be able to find a writing desk to send you.

    Yes, Josie is my only bilingual girl, so she will have to teach everyone Spanish (and Juanita and Anita English) so we can all talk together at our tea parties ;)

  6. Hi!
    Even I live in mexico and it's relatively easy 4 me to find all those stuff, cannot stop being jealous!!! Your girl looks totally beautiful!!!
    Tiny books can be found here in mexico during festivities, although the ones I've seen in here are more like "iliad" or shakespeare books and stuff like that. But I had never thought of using them for my girls! I think i'll steal your idea jeje!

    I've been wanting an american girl for a long time, but they seem too expensive, so I found in a flea market a battat doll (no exactly an american girl, but for 5 dlls, I think she was worth it) She has a funny face, but will work okay for the next 6 months (until I become a doctor and can start working) maybe after that I'll buy an AG and will give the battat with no name yet to a little friend of mine who is also obsessed with dolls.
    I'll blog her soon! I had some questions I wanted to ask you about those dolls... but cannot remember them now hehe!!!
    In the meantime... a big hug for you and another one for Josie!
    Congrats for your mother in law! (mine cannot understand my love for dolls)

  7. Hi Malisha! Thank you for all the kind comments on Josie :)

    American Girl dolls are expensive, but they are no more expensive here than the Anita Perez and Juanita Perez (vintage) that I have bought from Mexico. If you would like to trade sometime, I will be happy to trade you an American Girl doll for a vintage Juanita or Anita doll (or several outfits, even the new outfits). I do not know how expensive those dolls are in Mexico, but it does cost me a lot to buy them here. I think that would be an even trade, unless of course, the Perez dolls are very expensive in Mexico!


