Monday, July 19, 2010

Nancy Famosa

For awhile, I have been wanting a Nancy Famosa doll.  Famosa is a Spanish company, and if you do a google search for Nancy Famosa, she has tons of pages dedicated to her.  For good reason:  Nancy is very pretty, and has lots of cute clothes and accessories.

To my luck and amazement, I discovered a Nancy doll at Goodwill. 
I'm not sure if she's actually Nancy, she may be Lesly or some other doll.  Her dress is tagged Munecas Famosa 2000, Made in Spain.  She has freckles, a mess of red hair, and her legs are made of foam covered in a green sparkly material.

Look at her adorable face

I was going to work on her more, but I decided to sell her.  She is so cute, and I really want to keep her, but with my upcoming trip to Costa Rica, I could really use the extra cash.  I currently have her listed on eBay, and she already has many watchers and several bids.  This leaves me to believe she may be a rare doll, which could also be true because I have been unable to find any information about her on the internet.

At any rate, I wanted to give her a little dedication here in this blog, because I think she deserves it :)


  1. Dear Allison,
    What a beautiful doll, do not get her away! It´s a great treasure for your lovely doll collection! It´s a Nancy, for Lesly is smaller,a younger sister of hers! But in any case you still want to sell it, let me tell me that you can earn more than 150 Euros with it, for such a 80´s doll with brown eyes is quite difficult to find!
    Kisses from Holland.

  2. hola amiga en efecto es una Nancy,no es tan dificil de encontrar,si tiene las piernas como dices es una Nancy piernas flexibles

  3. Hola. Si esta usted interesada en venderla, por favor contacte conmigo. Gracias.
