Monday, July 19, 2010

Kirsten Visits Cincinnati

I took mini Kirsten to Cincinnati with me. While there, I learned that Kit was actually from Cincinnati in her stories, and lamented a little that I didn't bring Kit along instead. At any rate, here is a sample of what Kirsten did!
Here's Kirsten, conquering the Ohio River!

Later during the trip, we took Kirsten to a Cincinnati Reds game.  The Reds beat the Rockies, and she saw fireworks, and even an MC Hammer concert!  What a lucky gal!

Kirsten, at the Great American Ballpark

Later this month, we will be headed to Costa Rica.  I'm still debating about which dolly to take with me.  Any suggestions?

1 comment:

  1. Dear Allison,
    Thanks for sharing with all of us such lovely pics!
    What a great trip both of you made!
    Kisses from Holland.
