Saturday, February 20, 2010

Mexican Crissy Made by Lili Ledy

I finally acquired a doll I've been wanting to add to my collection for quite some time: The Mexican Crissy doll made by Lili Ledy. This poor girl arrived to me in horrible shape, with dirty face, eyes, hair, fingernails, legs, name it, it was covered in grime.

I tried to get a close-up shot of the grime on her face.
The first thing I did was remove her dress, which was filthy. I washed it in the sink with some Gain, and then draped it over my box fan to dry. Next, I used a Clorox wipe and wiped down the whole body, being careful to remove any traces of grime. Then, I got a new wipe and started on her face, being careful not to scratch up any face paint or make any marks on her face. I removed the dirt from her eyes, the corners of her mouth, and all around her face. After her face was clean, it was time to clean that hair. I washed it in the sink with some Gain.
The beauty parlor!

After her hair had dried, I realized that water had gotten into her eyes, and they had turned black. I got really worried, because I really like the gray, mist colored eyes of the Mexican Crissy. I was able to use a hair dryer directly over her eyes, and it dried the water out and her eyes returned to their normal, gray color.

Here she is, post hair wash and cleaning.

After that, I ironed her dress and used my steamer to steam her hair into place. I'm eventually going to touch up her facial paint, and I'll post an after picture as soon as I'm done!
Here she is with steamed hair and her dress. Her hair was very difficult to tame, and as you can see, I still didn't do a great job of taming it. I would also like to say something about her dress. I don't know if it's original or not, but I would like to believe it is. First of all, it is definitely a factory made dress. All along the skirt are pleats of lace, which have little pink bows on them. The underside of the dress is made of pink taffeta, and the overlay is a white and pink lace. It's not much to look at now, but I'm sure it was very pretty when it was originally purchased. If anyone knows anything about this dress, please let me know!!


  1. You sound like me. I found both of the dolls that you are looking for however I cannot afford either. It's Tsaikastoys I think that's how you spell it. The owner of the site has a Lili Ledy Crissy on Ebay for sale right now. It's the only one on there. I want a Mexican Crissy that I can afford. Near impossible. Great Make Over! She's gorgeous now! Many blessings to you. You are so talented.

  2. Thank you for the kind words Patricia! Keep looking for an affordable Mexican Crissy...they do pop up every once in awhile on eBay. My philosophy is that they don't have to be in great condition, because half of the fun is making them pretty again. Good luck!
