Friday, October 14, 2016

Nikki Britt Resin Dolls: A Complete Guide Part 1 (MSD)

With special thanks to Janice Scott for her collaboration 

Dolls created by sculptor Nikki Britt have become one of the most coveted brands in today’s doll collecting community. As new collectors continue to discover her work, naturally, many questions arise about them. This guide is meant to answer many of those questions, with an explanation of her types of dolls, prices of her dolls, and of course, what everyone wants to know, how to get one of her precious creations.

In attempt to make this guide more digestible, I will break it into 3 parts: MSD size, YOSD size, and Tiny size.

My own Nikki Britt family -- Wendy Weird, Olivia, Phoebe Phantom, Tutti, and Adeline

Currently, Nikki has released three different sculpts in her MSD size. They are known as Wendy, Phoebe, and Pepper Annie. There have been five resin colors which the MSD sized dolls have been available in, although not each sculpt is available in each resin color. The colors are white, glow in the dark, fair (vanilla), chocolate, and tan. A few of the sculpt/resin colors are particular characters, as follows:

Resin Color
Character Name
Quantity Known
Pepper Annie
Pepper Annie
Estimated 60
Pepper Annie
Tutti Frutti
Estimated 10
Pepper Annie
Wendy Weird
Wacky Wendy Clown (Each OOAK)
Estimated 3
Peter Pickle (Male)
4, 3 OOAK Peters, unknown numbers from the special order, Neville, Ron, and Harry Potter OOAKs
Piper Pickle (Female)
Unknown numbers from the special order, Luna and Hermione from IDTS 2017
OOAK (Naomi)
1 OOAK Fullset, 1 Nude
Glow In The Dark
Phoebe Phantom
Estimated 2
OOAK Phoebe Phae
Big Ella
Light Apricot Maybe?
Big Ellemeno/Ellabella
Estimated 7 available at IDTS, pre-order has been discussed

Pepper Annie was the first MSD released. She was released in a pre-order edition of 50 on March 1st, 2014, and is arguably the most sought after Nikki doll. There are also a handful of Peppers that were sold at various doll shows, probably bringing the total number to somewhere around 60.

Janice's beautiful OOAK Pirate Pepper Annie

Janice's 2 OOAK Pepper Annies

My full set Pepper Annie, with Solomon Mouse

Because Pepper Annie is so popular and well-loved, she is very difficult to get second hand. Even though there are a larger quantity of Pepper Annies out in the world, they very rarely come up for sale. The last known Pepper Annie to be sold was done so on eBay, and had a final sales price of $3,174.

 I took a screenshot of the completed eBay listing, for posterity. 

In the time that I have been collecting Nikki’s dolls, this is the only Pepper Annie that I have even seen be sold. In a private sale with another collector (not an auction), someone looking to buy a Pepper Annie can expect to pay anywhere from $2,000-$3,000. Price may vary depending on whether the Pepper Annie is a show OOAK, full-set, or a basic doll. You may also stumble upon an altruistic collector who does not want charge an exorbitant amount for their doll, but I can say that is very unlikely. Most of the Pepper Annies seem to be in their forever homes, and only tend to come up for sale when a collector has a financial emergency. If you really want a Pepper Annie, do not give up hope. Your best strategy is to place Want To Buy ads in the Nikki Britt Fans Facebook group, Resin Café, and other doll collecting communities. You will need to have your money ready, so that when she comes up for sale you are ready to act, because there are many collectors who are ready, willing, and able to pay a hefty sum to own a Pepper Annie.

The next MSDs that were available as a preorder were Wendy Weird and Phoebe Phantom, in August of 2014. They were originally sold for $850 each for a full-set. They were also available as basic dolls without the wigs and outfits.

Wendy Weird

Phoebe Phantom

There were 80 of each doll available, making them the most common of Nikki’s MSD dolls. Wendy Weird rarely comes up for sale, but it does happen from time to time. If you are looking to own a Wendy for yourself, you can expect to pay anywhere from $1,200-$2,000 in a private sale. The price can vary between full sets and basic edition dolls, and can also be affected by the condition of the doll’s face-up. I have not seen any come up for auction in the past year, so it is difficult to ascertain what her sales price would be at auction.  My advice for getting your own Wendy Weird is the same as it is for Pepper Annie: post a Want To Buy in doll communities, and be ready with your funds. I did this and was able to get my Wendy within ONE week of searching. I think I must have had some great dolly karma built up because I am not sure these results are typical, however, they do come up for sale, and if you are persistent, you should be able to add one to your collection.

The easiest of Nikki’s MSDs to get is Phoebe Phantom. Many people are not fans of the glow in the dark resin, but I can tell you, she is absolutely beautiful. I do not regret for one second buying mine. If you are really wanting to own one of these amazing works of art, do not discount Phoebe Phantom. At auction or private sale, you can expect to pay anywhere from $900-$1,200 for a Phoebe Phantom. I have seen 2 or 3 come up for auction on eBay, generally with a final sales price under $1,000. I have also seen several sold privately, including my own which I obtained privately.

Screen shot of ended Phoebe Phantom listing, ended in October 2016

If you want to add Phoebe Phantom to your collection, my advice is to watch eBay auctions daily, post a Want To Buy in several doll communities, and again, be ready when the time comes. There is not as much competition for Phoebe, so you don’t have to act quite as quickly, but you should still be ready in order to secure your doll.

As of now, these are the only MSDs that Nikki has offered for preorder. There are however, quite a few other MSDs floating around out there, so I want to talk about those next.

Tutti Frutti is a character created by Nikki using the Pepper Annie sculpt, but using chocolate resin. 

Janice's OOAK Tuttis

My OOAK Tutti, Forest Queen Tutti from IDTS 2016

There was a preorder planned for Tutti, but due to the unscrupulous behavior of people prospecting/flipping Nikki’s dolls, the preorder was instead changed to a special order situation. Nikki announced on Facebook that a few Tuttis and Fair Wendys (a preorder had been planned for Peter and Piper Pickle as well) would be available for special order, and that you could message her to secure an order. There was no price announced, but through talking with other collectors and my own conversations with Nikki, I believe prices varied from $1,600-$2,200 per doll, depending on what was ordered. As flippers were getting much more for her dolls, I feel this was more than fair, and discouraged these types of individuals from purchasing her dolls. This allowed people who actually wanted a direct-from-Nikki doll the opportunity to purchase one, and also rewarded the artist for her hard work and creativity.

Janice's Peter Pickle, from the Facebook Special Order

I have only seen a couple of these orders fulfilled so far, but am unsure of the number of dolls that will eventually be in circulation. We currently believe there to be about 10 Tuttis in circulation, most of them being from doll shows. As limited as Tutti is, I have seen several Tuttis come up for sale during the past year. This is surprising given the limited availability and popularity of the Pepper Annie sculpt, however this has been my observation. If you are looking to add Tutti to your collection, you can expect to pay anywhere from $1,600-$2,500 in a private sale (there have been no auction sales in the past year). My advice is the same as previously mentioned: post a Want To Buy in doll communities, and be ready with your money.

Lastly, there a few show dolls that have been sold at various doll shows that are out in circulation. They are various resin colors and sculpts. Most of these are in their forever homes, however they do come up for sale from time to time. If you are looking to buy an OOAK from a show, you can expect to pay anywhere from $2,000-$3,000 in a private sale, depending on what type of doll and costume.

Pia (Tan Pepper Annie), Forest Queen Tutti, and Phoebe Phae, all OOAKs from IDTS 2016

Janice's Collection Includes Many OOAKs 

Pakou's Luna Lovegood OOAK from IDTS 2017

In 2017, Nikki announced Giant Ellemeno/Ellabella dolls, the first of which were available at IDTS 2017. From the below picture, it seems like 7 may have been available for sale there.

Giant Elles/Ellas from IDTS 2017

Pakou's OOAK Ellabella from IDTS 2017

Nikki's Table from IDTS 2017

If you love Nikki’s MSD dolls and want to own one, they are not out of reach, it just takes perseverance and careful planning to obtain one. We believe the days of preorder for her MSDs are over, but that doesn’t mean she won’t offer special editions of MSDs in the future. If you are concerned about the price, yes, you will need to realize you will have to make sacrifices. You could have 4 other brands of MSDs for the price of one Nikki doll, but if you plan correctly and set a goal to add one to your collection, you will succeed!

In the meantime, if you are curious about their measurements and want to get started on collecting wigs, eyes, and clothing, below is a chart that includes some measurements. There are a few seamstresses that sew for Nikki's MSDs on Etsy, and I also like Journey Girls clothing from Toys R Us. They are slightly slimmer than American Girl clothes and fit Nikki's dolls much better. I point out the difference in the hand size because dolls with the starfish hands often have a difficult time getting their hands through tight sleeves.

Wig Size
Eye Size
20 mm
Doll Size
18” doll shoes, OG from Target fits well
Starfish Hands
2” wide from pinky to top of thumb
Bent Finger Hands
1.5” wide from pinky to thumb

I plan to keep this page updated if/when any news of Nikki’s MSDs becomes available. You can also always contact me via Instagram @munecaspoupeesdolls or through my Facebook site (links to the right). If you own any of Nikki’s OOAK dolls and want them to be added to the known doll database, please reach out! We try to keep up with how many dolls are out in circulation but it is not always possible. We will not publicly share any information about your personal collection, we would just like to create a catalog of all of Nikki’s dolls that have been made. Thank you for reading!


  1. Absolutely loved this blog post, and am glad to have been a part of it. :) Thank you Allison, you've addressed so many questions about Nikki dolls that people ask every day!

    Janice Scott

  2. I would love to see the dates of release listed as well.


    1. Thanks for the suggestion! I've added the release dates for the preorders, I am working on a list of all the OOAKs and which shows they were available at, but that may take some time to complete :)
