Monday, January 16, 2012

Sarchi, Costa Rica

Sarchi is a town in Costa Rica that is very famous for making ornate oxcarts.  It is right next to my husband's hometown, Grecia, so we spent a few hours shopping there on our last trip.

The oxcarts that Sarchi is so famous for are a very important national symbol of Costa Rica.  They have been handmade there for over a century, and they helped build the country because they were used for transporting coffee to the market.  The oxcarts are very beautiful, and colorful.  I couldn't bring an oxcart back this time, but I did get a nice orange tray for serving food that looks really nice.

One of the artisans, painting an oxcart wheel.

The famous oxcart "factory", if you can call it a factory.  See if you can find Nancy!

Nancy, with one of the oxcarts.  This one had a design with toucans and tropical birds.  Unfortunately, I have not yet seen a toucan while I was in Costa Rica.  Maybe next time.
Another oxcart photo.

If you ever visit Costa Rica, be sure to visit the town of Sarchi.  They have lots of other beautiful handcrafted items in addition to oxcarts, and you won't be disappointed!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

En Vivo Desde Costa Rica

Feliz año nuevo a todas...este año, mi esposo y yo llegó a Costa Rica para celebrar el año nuevo (porque mi esposo es Tico).  Pasamos alguno tiempo en el hotel Tango Mar.  Fue muy bonito y la attencion tiene no igual.  Mientras estábamos allí, nosotros subimos al tope de Cocolito Falls, una cascada que cae directamente en el mar.  Supestamente, es una de solo siete en el mundo que cae directamente en el mar (no se si es la verdad, pero es que nos dijeron).  Claro, Nancy llegó conmigo.  Aqui son los fotos, disfruta!
Nancy, con bamboo 

Nancy en el tope de la Cascada

La Cascada