Thursday, September 8, 2011

American Girl Place

Once again, I've taken quite some time to update this blog.  It feels...neglected.  Not to worry, I am back on my regimen and have several posts already planned.  That being said, this summer, Mom, Afner, and I visited American Girl Place in Atlanta, GA.  We booked the American Girl Package at the Marriott right beside the mall.  It was only $99 for the night, and it was well worth it.  I received several goodies upon my check-in.  Not pictured are the free cookies I got.
Doll Bed                                                                                                 Book, magazine, and letter

I debated for a long time over which doll to take with me, but I ended up taking Sonali, so she could get her ears pierced.  Julie ended up coming along as well, because she is Mom's favorite, and Mom wanted to have a doll with her.  The displays in the store were all really nice.   The lady who pierced Sonali's ears was also very nice, and promised to take good care of Sonali.  She was actually surprised to see Sonali, because she said they hadn't seen a Sonali in the store in a very long time, and it was very rare to see her.  This was surprising to me because I think Sonali is one of the prettiest dolls they've released in a long time.  There were TONS of Kananis in the store and in the hotel.  Every little girl had or was buying Kanani.

The Store Front                                                                                             Meet Kanani!
Julie Display
Addy Display.  I bought the dress on the far left.
Choosing Goodies
Josefina Display.  I bought the dress on the far right.
Kaya display.

Overall, I would definitely rate the experience an A.  The hotel package was great, and it was very close to the store.  I could actually see the store out my window.  I hope I can go back soon and pick out some Mary-Grace and Cecile dolls.