Monday, July 4, 2011

Quick Trip to Charleston

Afner and I decided to take a quick, inexpensive trip to Charleston, SC this past week.  I have a friend who lives there and we stayed at his apartment, and spent a few days enjoying all the beauty of Charleston.  Of course, I took my girls along and introduced them to one of the finest cities in the South.

The first day, we went to the Isle of Palms and spent a day on the beach.
Sonali says hi from the Isle of Palms!

Sonali and Ginny sitting in front of our setup

No swimming!

Later that evening, we washed all the sand off and went into Charleston to see the city at night.

Ginny posing near Rainbow Row 
In front of the Charleston Harbor.  In the background, you can see Fort Sumter, which is where the first shots of the Civil War were fired.  Not a proud moment for SC, but a historical site nonetheless.

Ginny sitting on top of a cannon from Fort Sumter at the Battery

We spent the rest of the night looking for ghosts, but we didn't find any, much to our disappointment.  Better luck next time!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Allison,
    You really had a gret time at the beacht! And the outfits they're wearing all so nice1 They look grest!
    The first time I read about this city, Charleston, was in: "Scarlett", the sequel to "Gone with the Wind", even if I didn't like such a second part, I now feel fine to watch your holidays in this beautiful place!
