Opening the box!! Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!
And a Nancy for my friend Diana
Look. LOOK!!! It's in Euros!!! I feel so...sophisticated. These are the Communion Nancys.
Nancy Geisha. I will name her Sayuri from one of my favorite books :)
And for goodness sakes, when I saw this "I Love Minnie" doll only sold in Spain, I had to buy it. Because I love Minnie. That's why. She's so adorable with the cutest little freckles! And she has zombie arms that stick straight out!
Howie is a one cat welcoming committee. Welcome to the USA!
And it may seem weird, but the dolls have a really pleasant, unique smell. I wonder if that's what Spain smells like. I hope to find out soon! I will of course, have new, better pics later, but I couldn't contain all this excitement for the time being :)