Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Las Nancys Estan Aqui!!!!!!

I am so excited!!  After months of waiting, my Nancys are finally here!
Opening the box!! Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!

And a Nancy for my friend Diana

Look.  LOOK!!! It's in Euros!!!  I feel so...sophisticated.  These are the Communion Nancys.

Nancy Geisha.  I will name her Sayuri from one of my favorite books :)

And for goodness sakes, when I saw this "I Love Minnie" doll only sold in Spain, I had to buy it.  Because I love Minnie.  That's why.  She's so adorable with the cutest little freckles!  And she has zombie arms that stick straight out!

Howie is a one cat welcoming committee.  Welcome to the USA!

And it may seem weird, but the dolls have a really pleasant, unique smell.  I wonder if that's what Spain smells like.  I hope to find out soon!  I will of course, have new, better pics later, but I couldn't contain all this excitement for the time being :)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Teacher Appreciation Week

This may be my first post not about dolls...

This week in the United States is Teacher Appreciation Week.  It's a week when (some) students show their appreciation for the hard work and dedication we teachers put into their educations.  Today, I got a really nice basket of goodies from one of my students:
Yummy Goodies (I've already eaten some of them).

Now don't get me wrong, one needs not give a gift in order to show a teacher that they are appreciated.  You can simply say, "Thanks."  Take the time this week to show or tell a special teacher that you appreciate them.  My favorite teacher in school was Mrs. A. Byrd, so Mrs. Byrd, if you're somewhere out there, I just want you to know you were deeply appreciated and I try to make my students feel cared for, just like you always made us feel in your class!

En Espanol:

Esta semana en los Estados Unidos es Agradecimiento a las Maestras.  Es una semana en la que los estudiantes mostraron las maestras que son apreciadas.

Hoy, una estudiante me dio una cesta de aperitivos.  No es necesario para dar regalos, puedes decir a la maestra "gracias" simplemente, pero es un gesto muy agradable. 

Mi maestra favorita de escuela fue Sra. Byrd, entonces, Sra. Byrd, gracias por enseñarme como ser una maestra muy carinosa y paciente.  Esta semana, dile a una maestra de lo mucho que la aprecias.