Sunday, March 13, 2011

My Exciting Weekend

Lots of exciting things happened this weekend.  Friday night, Afner and I had delicious BBQ turkey at Jim N' Nick's in Charlotte, with our friends Henny and Chad.  The stuff that concerns this blog, however, occured starting Saturday morning.  I had arranged a Craigslist rendezvous with a lady in Gaffney, SC to purchase an American Girl table for Samantha.  I have been looking for this table for quite some time, because I have all of Sam's party treats and dishes, and I've been wanting the wicker table to display them on.  Lucky me, she only wanted $20 for the table :)  We got up early, about 7:30, and headed to our local thrift store, Sweet Repeat, first.
An inside look at Sweet Repeat

Sweet Repeat is a pretty good thrift store, as it's nice and junky inside.  It's the kind of place if you dig around, you'll find something good.  I've found 50 cent Bitty Babies there, on two separate occasions.  Well, this trip didn't yield any treasures that great, but I did get a roll of wallpaper for $1 to wallpaper Sam's room.  After Sweet Repeat, it was time to get on the road to Gaffney. 
On the road

Well, I live in SC, but was in NC to hit the Interstate

The Giant Peach in Gaffney

We finally got to Gaffney, and the lady was there waiting, on time.  That may be the smoothest Craigslist transaction I have ever had.  After getting the table (which I will blog about later, once I get it set), Afner and I decided to go a little farther south and hit up some flea markets.  The first one we went to was in a giant building, it was terrifyingly scary, and it was definitely a junk pile.  I scored a My Friend Mandy doll in there for $2.
Afner, proudly displaying my trophy.  Also, the flea market had an interesting history of North and South Carolina printed on the wall.

According to the amazing iPhone GPS, there was another flea market just 10 miles south, called the Spartaburg Flea Market. So it was off to Sparkle City.  When we got there, it was the junkiest, rednecky-ist, best flea market I have EVER been to!!!  There were boxes upon boxes filled with dolls, in half the booths.  I couldn't believe it.  Afner and I must have gone through over 100 dolls.  I finally picked only 3, a My Friend Becky doll, to go with Mandy, a small Remco doll wearing a Nancy Ann Storybook tagged dress, and a Lady Lovely Locks doll.  One lady had a Velvet doll, but I wasn't willing to shell out $5.  I kind of have buyers remorse now, but I'm sure the doll will be there in the future.  This lady had a stall full of junk that you couldn't even get to.  We will definitely be going back there.  I should also mention that Afner got a camera for 50 cents that he was extremely excited about.

After all that excitement, we went to 3 more thrift stores, but nothing to brag about there.  Then we went to a place called Paco's Tacos and Tequila in the South Park area, and it was fantastic.  They had AMAZING salsa.  Afner took some photos with his vintage RF camera, but we don't know yet if those are going to come out. 

I ended the weekend by making a dress for Francie.  I am a horrible seamstress, and I keep trying to practice, but sometimes it seems I'm getting worse.  I had some extra fabric leftover from a Cheongsam dress I bought for myself back in time.  Inspired by fellow blogger Julieta and her kind words of support to the people of Japan, I made a Japanese-esque ensemble for Francie.

The dress ended up really short.  I used a Velvet pattern, so next time, I will add a little length to the dress.  The little cat necklace was a charm sent from Japan when I ordered the Cheongsam, and it made a perfect sized necklace for Francie.

I hope everyone had a great weekend, tomorrow it's back to teaching math.

1 comment:

  1. You should have put a closer up pic of the cat necklace. I'm intrigued. Sounds like a great weekend!!
