Sunday, February 20, 2011

Kerry Reroot

I just finished rerooting an Ideal Kerry doll this weekend.  Kerry is Crissy's Irish cousin.  I gave her new Katsilk saran hair in sunkissed.
Here she is!
This is the first reroot I've done where I actually cut bangs into the hair.  It's kind of a mess.  Normally, Katsilk responds well to heat, but this particular color hair started to melt when I applied steam.  Yikes!  I'm using some hair gel to try to tame those bangs.

Here are the two reroot on the left and the original look of Kerry on the right.

Now it's off to reroot my new Nancy doll!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Nancy Francie

My mom bought me an eBay gift certificate for Christmas, and I really wanted to add another Nancy to my collection.  The problem with wanting one is that, living in the United States, they are very hard to find here.  I have to find a seller on eBay (either France or Spain) that is willing to ship me the doll at an affordable rate.  I ended up paying 25 Euros for this doll (not including shipping), which, after I received her, was decidedly too expensive.  Her poor little feet were chewed up by a dog, and her hair had been cut.  I knew about the hair cut, but it was worse than I thought.  Of course, regardless of her faults, I love her anyway.  I have decided to name her Francie, since she came from France.

I spent some time cleaning Francie up, because she was very dirty. After she got clean, I gave her some clothes. Then she went outside for a photo shoot.

Now, the only problem I have left, is deciding whether or not to reroot her.  I think she definitely needs rerooting, because unless she is wearing a scarf, her poor hair looks a little wild (and very short).  So I wanted to take a poll and see what color everyone thinks I should use!  I really like her as a blonde, since I'm blonde, but I also have a nice shade of red hair I could use.  The only qualm I have about that is my other two Nancys are redheads, and I'd like a little diversity in my collection.
Here are the colors.  From clockwise they are:  brownette, light blonde, candy apple red, dirty blonde, copper red, and seafoam green (haha, I really don't want to use this one but I did have it on hand).  So what do you think?  What color should I use? VoteWHICH COLOR HAIR SHOULD FRANCIE HAVE?
Light Blonde
Candy Apple Red
Dirty Blonde
Seafoam Green
Copper Red

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