Sunday, November 28, 2010

My Newest "Doll"

My suegra bought me a little stove for Josie, so I went to put it in her room, and this is what I saw:

It was none other than Sorsha, the World's Most Spoiled Cat.  I'm pretty sure she's been eyeballing this bedroom for awhile, because everytime I would open the doors to the doll house, she would run towards it.  She knocked Josie out of bed, and completely wrecked up her room!

Poor Josie :(

Well, like I said, Sorsha is the World's Most Spoiled Cat.  Here she is today, in her new bed.  I moved Josie upstairs for a slumber party with Addy until Sorsha gets tired of this.  Notice the new stove on the right.  It lights up and everything!  I will get it installed properly once this cat gets out of Josie's room...


  1. ¡que gracioso el gato! es igual que el mio.
    Besos desde Madrid España

  2. Awww what a sweet lil kitty! How cute!

  3. LOL!!! This is so funny and sweet!
    Lucky cat!
