Here I am, in 1985 (age 3) receiving my second Cabbage Patch Doll. It was one of the babies with a pacifier. Yes, I still have this doll.
Here is me in 1987 (age 5) receiving the Heart Family dolls. This was the mom. Yes, I still have them all.
Here is me again in 1987, with a rag doll. Apparantly I was showing off. Yes, I still have her.
This is clearly not me, but my Granny with two dolls I received in 1993. A Happy Holidays Barbie and American Girl Addy (this was the first year she was produced). Still have both.
Again in 1993 (age 11), with Masquerade Ball Barbie. I was so proud of her because this was the first year my Mom thought I was mature enough to have a Bob Mackie Barbie. They were very expensive, and I still have her.
Clearly, fashion was not my forte in 1994 (age 12), but I did get a My Size Bride Barbie for Christmas. No, I never wore her clothes, and yes, I probably still could. Hahaha!
In April of 1994 (age 12 still), I received a Bedtime Theresa doll. This is the only doll whose whereabouts I'm not 100% sure of, but she's probably in my huge bag of Barbies.
Well, there you have it, a brief history of Allison's Doll Collection. Enjoy!