Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Poupee Crissy avec de nouveaux vêtements

After I bought my French Crissys a few months ago, I decided I wanted to find some original clothing for them to wear.  I have been trolling French eBay ever since, and came across an outfit that I thought was originally made for Crissy.  The reason I thought this is that one of the Crissys I bought came sporting the same top when she arrived here in the States.  The top is an orange material with a large pocketbook sewn onto it.  When the new outfit arrived, it's orange was MUCH darker than the top I already had, and the lines on it were wider.  Here is a photo for comparison:
The left top is the one I originally received, the right top is the one I just purchased, along with pants.

After receiving the new outfit, I was not entirely convinced that it was, in fact, intended for Crissy.  The pants were really long and had extra-wide flare at the bottom.  If it was intended for her, I think that there is a top that goes under it.  I believe that a white body-suit type thing was made for French Crissy (I have one of them), and that maybe it was supposed to be worn under this outfit.  At any rate, I put her in the outfit, sans the body-suit underneath.

New outfit, with unmatching yellow shoes.  Ha! 

Still leaving something to be desired, I will continue my quest on French eBay until I find an outfit that is flirty, fun, and most importantly, original.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Another Lili Ledy Crissy

I bought two Mexican Crissys at the same time, and this is the other one that I bought.  She was in horrible shape, and I didn't really think she'd turn out very well, but she was really cheap, so I bought her anyway.  Her hair was absolutely horrific, and she had a huge Kool-Aid stain all around her mouth (haha!). 


The first thing I did with her was sanitize using Clorox wipes.  She was so grimey.  Next, I got to work on the ink stain.  Using Oxy-10, I started the long process of bleaching away the red stain.
She reminds me of Hannibal Lecter...

After quite a few weeks, I switched to the Walmart brand of Oxy-10, and after one treatment, it appeared as if the vinyl was also getting bleached out.  So at this point, I stopped the bleaching process.

You can see the lighter area all around her mouth.

Next, I used Testors enamel paints and painted her mouth.
Looking better...

The next step was to wash her hair, which turned the water in my sink almost black.  To keep water out of her eyes, I taped two cotton balls down over them while I washed her hair.  Then I styled her hair and was suprised at how well it came out.  I wanted her to have a Spanish style dress, so I used some red cloth and black lace material and made a dress for her.  I'm not the best seamstress in the world but it came out okay.
The finished product.  Much better!

Even though she was the less expensive Crissy, she came out looking the best.  It just goes to show what a little work and time will do!!